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Marquette Method of NFP Directory

Certified Marquette Method Instructors

Use the map or the search functions below to find the contact information for all 112 Marquette Method Certified Professionals (MMCPs).

Facet: Map

Shaunda Brooke, BSN, RN, MMCP

Mandan, North Dakota, United States

Teaches Online

(701) 590-0548

Samantha Budden, RN BSN MMCP

Shawnee, Kansas, United States

Teaches In-Person & Online

(785) 410-1978

Sierra Cargill, RN, BSN, MMCP

Vermillion, South Dakota, United States

Teaches In-Person & Online

(712) 253-7408

Patricia Cudjoe, MD, MMCP

Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Teaches In-Person & Online

Kathryn Elenchin, BSN, CRNA, MMCP

Coudersport, Pennsylvania, United States

Teaches In-Person & Online

Medical Applications Course (Audited)

(814) 598-1130

Richard Fehring, RN, MSN, PhD, FAAN, MMCP

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States

Teaches Online

Medical Applications Course

Christina Kluge, BSN, RN, NTMNC, MMCP

Moorestown, New Jersey, United States

Teaches In-Person & Online

Brittany Kudrna, DNP, FNP-C, MMCP

Dickinson, North Dakota, United States

Teaches In-Person & Online

Medical Applications Course

Cam Liu, BSN, RN, MMCP

Arlington, Texas, United States

Teaches In-Person & Online

Emily Lohr, PharmD, MMCP

Allison Park, Pennsylvania, United States

Teaches Online

(412) 478-3827

Brynn Manning, BSN, RN, MMCP

Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States

Teaches In-Person & Online

(402) 741-0844

Carolyn McCann, RN, GDipHealthMedLaw, MBioethics, MMCP

Baldivis, Western Australia, Australia

Teaches In-Person & Online


Amanda Morley, BSN, RN, MMCP

Kennesaw, Georgia, United States

Teaches Online

Sarah Reiter, BSN, RN, MMCP

Fenton, Missouri, United States

Teaches In-Person

Medical Applications Course (Audited)

Theresa Stujenske, PhD, RN, MMCP

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

Teaches In-Person & Online

Sairey Williams, PA-C, CFCP, MMCP

Lisbon, Ohio, United States

Teaches In-Person & Online

(330) 271-9730

About the Medical Applications Course

Marquette Method Teachers who have completed this course have learned to apply knowledge of the menstrual cycle, reproductive anatomy and physiology, natural indicators of fertility, reproductive transitions, and evidenced-based protocols to understand management of common reproductive age women’s health conditions.

Nurses, who audit this course, use what they learned in this course to emphasize lifestyle changes, self-care management, and make referrals to advanced practitioners as appropriate.

Advanced practitioners, such as MDs and APRNs, take this course for credit and apply the knowlege in this course to fully manage women’s reproductive health, by using natural indicators of fertility and the Marquette Method charting system.

Medical Applications Course Description